Saturday, July 08, 2006

Some cuteness for you...

That's right folks, you'd better watch out because the E.U.P.D. is on the prowl (Evan Ulan Police Department). You can see their top agent, Evan Ulan himself, cruising the streets on his chopper, hunting down the bad guys and eating every cookie that comes across his path. There's no stopping him!

Hangin' out with the Pops.

A little before 2nd breakfast reading material...

And... you guessed it... a morning nap!

That's all for now. Stay tuned tomorrow or the next day for pictures of the wild lake party we're about to go to with the Douglasses and our new american prey, the Lansers! Let's see, that's 8 americans, two almost-americans, one translator who loves to party, a smattering of sure-to-be-grumpy drivers, and one surly cook (Yergeldi)! See you on the other side!



At 6:19 AM, Blogger wpaleighann said...

What a precious picture! Thank you both for sharing this journey with the rest of us. From the photos you all look very happy! :-)

Jen, or Brian, please do me a favor and remind Doug Douglas????, I think that's right, to bring home the package Jim Harding left in Koksheteau. It's a gift from the baby house director in Petropavlovsk where Sophia was born. :-) I'm sure he'll bring it, just a reminder.


Love to you all,
Leigh Ann


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