Well, we finally got Evan to truly take a bottle today. It had pure apple juice in it, and once he got going he was in heaven. By the end of the bottle he was truly passing out on my leg, eyes rolled back in his head. It was so cute! He refused the bottle the first few times we've tried it, but we were insistent because we wanted to use it as a bonding tool. It's obvious that the babies are weaned off the bottles early, and in a way that is not condusive to ever taking one again (I'm thinking maybe vinegar on the nipple?). Anyways, he's now figured out that bottles=good (or he's getting there). I was VERY happy! For at least 15 minutes after he finished the bottle he was in a happy stupor, drunk on his apple juice and the joy of relaxing with a bottle. Now if we can just wean him off juice and get him onto some healthy formula, all will be right with the world...

And here's the dude's cool hot-weather hairdo today.
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