Hi Everyone!
Sorry it's been like a thousand years since we posted. This parenting stuff can be tricky to get used to (and tricky to do, come to that), but now that we've been home for almost a month we're getting the hang of things! I've been home full time with Evan for the past three weeks, and it's really opened my eyes to how fun it can be to have a little monster! He IS a monster, and it IS a lot of work, and we DID start out with a walking (almost running) toddler, but in the end he's damn cute and he has a way of making it feel like not so MUCH work all the time.
Anyways, all is grand and everyone is learning/doing/growing a lot in our own different ways. Here are the pictures we've remembered to take so far (it's hard to remember to bring the camera along... so much easier to just admire the cuteness).

This picture was taken on the Frankfurt jetway, about to make our last leg of the journey. It was one of the few times Evan slept on that 30 hour day!

Finally at home and waiting for luggage!

The awesome greeting we got when we arrived at our house (thanks to Nicole and Allan). It was strange, but our house felt really weird when we got back. I think we spent so much time away that it just wasn't quite the same as we had remembered it. Either way, it is AWESOME to be home and we are now settled in again (the house seems normal... ;-) ).

Evan's first trip to "Tot Land". Tot Land is a place that is nothing short of magical. It is a local park where people also donate their old outdoor toys. I'm tempted to call it a toy graveyard, but that's too negative. Suffice to say, it's like a dream come true for any kid with a short attention span!

Evan's new camera smile. It means he's figuring things out, which can be nothing but trouble...

Hangin' with Nanna Cantwell.

Evan's first donkey. The next week he got to meet the horses at the barn where I ride. He thinks they're big dogs and barks at them when he sees them! In fact, he barks at just about every animal he sees, which we find hysterical!

The little dude's first 'do.

Who's brilliant idea was it to try to teach the maniac toddler to scribble? Ah, well. Win some, lose some!

"BEEFCAKE BEEFCAKE!!!" You must be a South Park fan to understand. Thanks to uncle John for this hat. It cracks us up!

The horrifying cuteness continues...


We are already hooked on "Elephant Bar", our new favorite chain-family-friendly restaurant. It's so loud in there you can't hear the screaming! Nevertheless I keep kicking Brian under the table to remind him that it is NOT ok to scream in public places! Still a kid at heart! ;-)

I can't remember what was so funny, but I'm guessing Evan did something cute. Go figure!

Our first trip to Fairyland with Becka, baby Charlotte, and Aunt Kim. We saw goats, llamas, ponies, sheep, ducks, and guinea pigs, all of whom got barked at!
Hi - We are just getting the word out on a new cookbook we are organizing, the profits going to the orphans of Kaz. We are asking each family to donate 1-3 recipes by Feb 14th. I hope you will consider submitting a recipe to help make childrens lives a little easier. For more info please visit our blog.
Kim and Stacy
Two Hearts For Hope, LLC.
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