Thursday, June 29, 2006

Evan's First Laugh (Video!)

Hey all,

We just started tinkering around with Imovie today and started selecting clips to share with everyone back home. Due to the size of the files and our limited internet bandwidth, we're keeping them short and sweet, but we are planning to post them regularly.

Jen mentioned Evan's tentative laugh in the last post, a laugh that made us wonder how much he's really laughed during his life. Anyway, looking over the video today, we realized that we had completely forgotten that we caught his first laugh with us on tape! We just finished uploading the clip to Google video.

Here's the link:

Evan's First Laugh

It was just the first of many.




At 1:56 PM, Blogger wpaleighann said...

How precious! He's a doll! What a keepsake this will be!

Love to all,
Leigh Ann

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Laura said...

that is amazing.
all three of you are on my mind daily.
take good care!
hi evan!


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